Open Arms Native Missions 2017 - present

Reservation and Twin Cities outreach.

Oyate Kinipi (Formally Open Arms Native Missions)

Our Work on the Reservations is growing. We have established relationships and trust on the communities we work in. Our main goal is to engage the people directly. giving away much needed food, clothing, household goods, Tools, small appliances, Toys, Electronics and other needs the people have. We are able to do this by purchasing in Bulk from a distribution warehouse. We coordinate events and giveaways with leadership on the reservations. We distribute directly to the people in the community. We have built trusting bonds by continuing to come back on a regular basis. 

  We also have Meetings on the reservation. these meetings are spiritual meetings to give hope and to counsel people that suffer from post tramatic abuse which usually leads to addiction, suicide, depression, loss of identity, and abandonment. we also help the Homeless population with tents, outdoor survival, and other needs.

Reservations we work with

Red Lake Band of Chippewa MN

Lower Sioux Dakota MN

Shakopee Sioux Dakota MN

St. Croix Band of Ojibwe WI

Rosebud  Sioux Lakota SD

Pine Ridge Sioux Lakota SD


Twin Cities Metro Area MN All Nations